What is the price of Malt?

Malt does not have a set price. Higher TVL less Cronos per Malt, Lower TVL more Cronos per Malt. This creates a level playing field so no user can be late. There is NO calculator available to work this out.

What will my daily percentage be?

Daily percentage is up to 10%. This depends on brewing habits, the time of day you Ferment (restake), Sell-beer (harvest) and TVL fluctuation. Average daily return is 6-10%.

Why are my rewards not growing?

Brewing habits affect rewards, sell too quickly and your daily percentage drops. Therefore it is recommended to ferment the beer on a six days cycle and by the seventh day, get ready to sell off the nicely fermented beer to fetch the highest price.

What happens if I keep selling my beer?

If you are always selling, the freshly produced BEER is a common commodity and loses its value. Your daily percentage will drop dramatically and will not receive the highest daily returns.

Is the fermentation of the beer the more often the better, 2 or 3 times a day?

The fermentation of the beer is the same as compounding. so essentially yes. You will need to pay standard CRO gas fees for every fermentation cycle. Everything is nicer when fermented, especially with our brown beer.

What is a 'Malt’?

The Brewery is where CRO are locked up to activate a perfect fermentation to produce the nicest beer for you to chill and earn your rewards. Basically, you buy Malt which will produce beer for you to either ferment for a better flavor or just instantly sell it off. Brewmasters work 24-7 to give you the best caramel-like flavor brown beer which will taste so much better upon fermentation.

Can I get my initial deposits back?

The Brewery is a locked rewards pool, so no. You get your initial back over time through the rewards section when you auctioned off your freshly brewed beer or well-fermented beer.

How come my referrals aren't showing | Where are they?

Your referrals show up in the 'My Rewards' Section of the Brewery miner. Referrals are 13% of the deposit. 100 CRO deposit equals 13 CRO as rewards so spread the news and come join us at the latest brewery bar.

Is the Malt perishable when you continue the cycle of production and selling 24-7?

No, with our special Brewery, all owned 'Malt’ will not spoil and diminish. It’ll continuously produce beer for further fermentation or selling.

Is this sustainable?

Yes - as long as there is TVL in the contract, there will always be rewards. Greedy owners who sell too much and too fast will get punished and get lower and lower rewards. It will last a VERY long time the higher the TVL is.

The 6/1 Strategy explained?

It is 6 days, not 6 fermentation cycles. In those 6 days yes you can ferment the beer as many times as desired. It is just compounding faster.

Is it too late to invest?

No, the contract is written to provide an optimal entry for any and all users, new or old. This is the reason the Malt per CRO amount changes frequently with TVL fluctuation to provide an even playing field for any new user coming to The Brewery and not giving the first user/s a head start.

Can contract functions be added?

No, the contract is immutable and cannot be changed. The contract works perfectly well as it is. No wallets can be blacklisted, no forcing people to ferment 6 days and sell once a week. Nothing can be changed.

Does it have an anti whale mechanism?

The contract has an in-built anti-whale mechanism.

This works as follows:

User A age 6:1 gets the highest daily percentage in that 24 hour period.

User B does 5:2 and gets a lower percentage.

User C does 4:3 and gets a lower percentage again.

This happens all the way until the user who sells continually rewards will drop to 0.5% per 24 hour period. This is to prevent 1 user draining the TVL, creating sustainability.

What is the minimum deposit?

No minimum deposit requirements.

What is the minimum amount for fermentation to happen?

There is no minimum amount for aging requirements. You will always be charged standard CRO gas fees for every interaction with the contract.

So how is Thebrewery.online doing it differently and why do we think it will succeed?

Its called The Brewery on Cronos Street because it virtualizes the blockchain into your corner street bar, a chance meeting point for the community to come together, to have a drink and grow. It is on that simple basis that they seek to grow the community. Every chain needs one of these bars.

The team is 6 people, amongst them contract devs and marketing veterans

The miner project is the first step in its roadmap. Development work has started on their mothership project - Barfinance, which will have its native token, yield optimizer, lottery and bar games. Bar games where the community comes to pit their skills over simple games against each other using the native token. Fair and square, not always AI with 'no house advantage'

Once the basic utility is established, the team aims to move on to grow liquidity for the community and its native chain, where there will be Bar Memberships (bridge functionality) and Bar sharks (lending and borrowing). These are in the pipeline, so stay tuned.

Hence, you see it now, Thebrewery supports the Bar, and the bar supports the community on each blockchain.

There will be future breweries on other chains (Fxx, Bxx, Mxx) once we establish our base here in Cronos. While our brewery focuses on beer, work has already begun to build the Bar on Cronos Street where there will be a lottery, bar games and a yield farm. Stay tuned for our future road map.

There will be future breweries on other chains once we establish our base here in Cronos. While our brewery focuses on beer, work has already begun to build the Bar on Cronos Street where there will be a lottery, bar games and a yield farm. Stay tuned for our future road map.


We DO NOT guarantee 10% a day it is up to 10%. Brewery Miner is illegal in certain countries please consider this when investing. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose.

Last updated